About Masses and Mass Families in Revit

You can create masses within a project (in-place masses) or outside a project (loadable mass families).
In-place masses are used for mass forms that are unique to a project.
Loadable mass families are typically used when you will be placing multiple instances of the mass in a project, or when you will use mass families in multiple projects.
To create in-place masses and loadable mass families, use the conceptual design environment.

When creating a mass family, you can do the following:
  • Nest other mass families into the mass family that you are creating.
  • Import geometry from other applications into a mass family.
In a project, you can do the following:
  • Place one or more instances of a mass family.
  • Create an in-place mass.
  • Join a mass instance to other mass instances to eliminate overlap. As a result, their gross volume and gross floor area values adjust accordingly.
  • Create a schedule that shows the gross volume, gross floor area, and gross surface area of a mass.
  • Place mass instances in worksets, assign them to phases, and add them to design options.
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